Welcome to Primetec! We are a technological based company, dedicated to the development and manufacture of electronic equipment, also offering turn-key EMS solutions. Leading edge technology applied puts us one step ahead in the electronics market.

We can develop your next electronics product! Either it is industrial, telecom, digital and analog, home appliance, automotive.

Complete PCB Assembly capabilities for your projects. THT and SMT technologies. Reflow, Wave and Selective soldering. Optical and X-Ray inspection.

Inspection & Test
In our manufacturing process we can provide AOI, AXI, In-Circuit Programming, Automatic Needle Bed, Functional Test.

To completely satisfy our customers needs, we provide a vast and complete procurement service. We can take care of the standard, state-of-the-art, exotic or hard-to-find components.

Quality is a subject of high importance to our company. We strictly follow a Quality Control Program that leads us to customer satisfaction and employee evaluation and motivation.